Saturday, April 05, 2008

To the 29th Degree

Put the phone down. Flip the sidekick shut. Close the computer in half.

I think that if I were in a room with other people I could be/should be socializing with and only saw their faces by the blue electronic glow, that I would be very angry. I just think to the times I travelled Europe and the interesting conversations I had and the entertaining exchanges I have added to a list of "fond memories". And how awful it would've been to have filled those moments with meaningless clicks. We were more or less forced together and used each other out of boredom. Socialize. Nothing online is so important that it needs more than a five minute dedication. No one on AIM or by txt messaging needs to speak with you for longer than 30 seconds. It doesn't matter if you wish you had brought different shoes, or that their lunch break was cut short. What matters is what's going on around you. Be part of it.

Yes, I'm on here. ALOT. But never in a crowded room sulking to myself. And txting/msging someone that could be breathing on you isn't any better. In fact, its probably worse.

Many people have been giving me what I percieved as grief in regards to my away messages. They call them depressing, and while some may not be full of sunshine and smiles, I never thought I was coming across as so 'down'. Turns out, after a little more explanation, its not that they are that bad...but read as a type of tragic eloquenence, and with that combo. I'm declaring it to have a level of depth. Well, what do you know. Their words, not mine. Now I've just got to get this worked into vocalization and I can finally edit my mysapce about me.

And for some AIM convo. loving: (names changed)

Xx STxX (12:59:25 AM): u and *crazy* are psychically connected
lovely (1:01:06 AM): huh????
Xx STxX (1:01:13 AM): u IM me
Xx STxX (1:01:18 AM): 2 seconds later
Xx STxX (1:01:21 AM): there he is
lovely (1:02:37 AM): euwh
lovely (1:03:14 AM): that must be the reason he is needing "awe" from me, because he is completely vapid and void of it himself
Xx STxX (1:03:26 AM): LMAO
Xx STxX (1:03:34 AM): can that be my away message???
Xx STxX (1:03:38 AM): pleaseeeeeee
lovely (1:03:45 AM): LMAO
lovely (1:03:51 AM): ummmmmm
lovely (1:03:57 AM): I dont want to die a meathead death
Xx STxX (1:52:03 AM): what is that thing?
lovely (1:52:08 AM): ?
Xx STxX (1:52:20 AM): the picture u just sent me?
lovely (1:52:25 AM): its a 'secret' somebody made
Xx STxX (1:52:38 AM): oh, okay- so it's not a real person
lovely (1:52:41 AM): no no no
lovely (1:52:43 AM): yes, it is
lovely (1:52:45 AM): Its *soandso*
lovely (1:52:54 AM): in his 'stage'
Xx STxX (1:52:55 AM): IT'S A BOY???????????

I've gotton that same reaction twice now this week. I do not make the most sense. But no one ever said I had to prove that I can.
I appreciate how oil and water the first and last parts this post are.

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