Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Dreams permit each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night [or afternoon works too] of our lives.”--W. Dement

I had the wildest, most adventureous dream I've ever had, I think. Galavanting across ages and spaces of Europe, and then when right at the end it looked pretty hairy, like it just might turn quite dangerous, it all resolved into perfection---clouds parting, quasi-cartonic sun rays, and topped by a musical chorus with a fully costumed drum major and seventy-six trombones and all. It was bizarre and could only leave me more tired than before I began the nap, but I'm much happier than the crabby little person I was before I started. And thats always a miracle when a nap can accomplish that.

p.s. isn't it ironic how ironic the author of that quote's last name is? I probably didn't need to point that out, but I just had to.

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